OX - The year 2009

OX - Bad year
Intro: There are 1lucky star and 7 bad stars.
This is your year so it is going to be a year full of obstacles and problems. It is going to be a most difficult year for you, hence just bear with it.
In 2009, you may change job, change house, change spouse, change car and things may be taken away from you. People do not like your face this year.

Money & Work:
There is no money luck for you –
There is very little travelling for you. Whatever that happen at the work place you have no control of but just bear one thing in mind is : to let go and don’t be stubborn by insisting on your needs. This is not the year.

This year, your health will not be good and you may have stomach trouble or severe backache.
So you are advise to carry a small 20 cent Bagua in your wallet the whole year.

Love & family:
If married the male Ox may get into unwanted romance. Becareful. This is because the male Ox may get into trouble with an unwanted romance and can make mistakes –

If you are single, there is a chance to meet your rightful partner.


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