Tiger - The year 2009

TIGER - Excellent year
Intro: There are 2 lucky stars and 5 bad stars.

This is a good year for you. There is a promotion in sight for you and the money luck is good. Things are looking rosy for you at work with a possible overseas posting or new business venture.

Money & Work:
This is a good time for the money to come in so there is some lottery luck. If you do strike any lottery, just remember to donate some away. That way your money will be able to stay and your health is good.

At work, you will be busy with new responsibilities and that can cause you to have unnecessary stress.

Your health will be good this year so just continue taking vitamins or do workouts.

Love & family:
If married try to remember to bring the family out for a travel overseas or a short holiday in Singapore –
If single and male, there is a chance for you to meet your miss right.


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