Sony Ericsson Idou: Coming Soon 2009?

Carphonewarehouse (CPW) has Sony Ericsson’s Idou on their coming soon page for 2009. Whatever the Idou (I do? I do you? ee dow wu?) will actually be named, it puts it back into contention for possible phone purchases for 2009 (previously outwritten as it was expected for 2010). Like all of CPW’s coming soon line up, all their dates are subject to change; and with a rather vague 2009 instead of specific months, there’ll be a rather swift slap on ones face if one had waited so long only for it to turn up next year.

With that said, June is looming. June means prepare for a sudden £700 deficit in your bank balace as June means N97! With a price so steep (at least as quoted early March on the possible price of the N97), it’s good to know alternatives and the “Idou” is definitely one of the three I’m considering (along with N97 and Omnia HD).

With most of the features beloved in the N97 demonstrated too in the Idou (Screen size, screen resolution, OS maybe) I’ve got to start nit-picking at what else is brought to the table. The Idou brings 12.1 MP with XENON flash.

If only the N97 had maintained the XENON flash that the N82 had, I would have no hesitation as to which of the three or in fact any other phone to choose. As a student, most of my pictures are taken in the vampiric hours in clubs and pubs and appreciate that all I ever need to bring is my phone if I ever felt the need to capture the alcohol inspired antics of my friends to share on facebook. Dual led flash exhibited by the N85 has proven a little adequate in this situation but literally pales in comparison to the N82. I don’t know yet how the N97 will fare as it has been shown that not all dual LED flashes are created equal (N85>N96). Hopefully much brighter than previous offerings, to not only make still photos more acceptable in low lighting, but provide sufficient intensity as to make the video light more useful than capturing video footage of things 5cm away.

But that’s just my personal opinion and speculations - 2mp with no flash or autofocus although feable is more than enough it seems for the iPhone crowd in flickr.

As it stands the N97 offers the fact that: it has a qwerty keyboard, huge on board memory, subjectively better aesthetics, and that it is indeed coming soon!

So roll on June! End of exams! Class trip to Alton Towers! Moving house(term-time one)! Summer Ball! And of course, the NOKIA N97!!


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